A New Record & A Kickstarter!

Without Letting Go

Hey you guys! Hanna Rae here with some exciting news! I'm making a new Record! It's called Without Letting Go and it will be released early next year. 

Two-and-a-half years ago, I released my debut EP Rookie In The Ring. A lot has changed since then. I got married. I gained new friends and lost a few. I’ve lived a bit longer, and have experienced incredibly good days, and a handful of not-so-good days. These new songs are a reflection of that period in my life. Marking a distinct beginning and middle, and a glimpse of the days to come.

I’ve never been more excited about a project that I’ve created. These songs are bolder and dive deeper than any work I’ve presented in the past. I believe in these songs, and I am so excited to share them with you.

In order to release this record, I'm giving you guys the opportunity to pre-order on Kickstarter. If you pledge, you'll have access to exclusive content and rewards, AND you'll be a huge part of making this record a success. I'd love for you to join me in this project

Click below to preorder!

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